Itt 0031 011

Title תלמוד לשון עברי
Subtitle כולל יסודות לשון הקדש כלליה ופרטיה ודקדקיה..
Author Judah Leib Ben Zeʾev (1764-1811)
Publisher Anton Schmid
Place of public. Wien
Year 1818
Hebrew Year 578
Edition 4
Pages 232 (464)
Internet -
Locations - National Library of Israel (25 A 14286)
- YUL (Fne20 796bd)
- British Library (01013743669)
- UvA (OTM: RON A-3950)
- TAU (בן-ז 492.45)
- EHA (-)
- UBW (I-265779)
- HAI (PJ4556 .B4 1818)
- UBH (E 796)
- BGU (PJ 4566.B44 1818)
Language(s) of document Hebrew  ⁄  
Keywords Hebrew Language -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  
Notes additional locations: SBB (Stabi 1802 MR); GEI (Judaica-3); SOAS UCL (EB81.228 /478560); UMaL (PMHY3); SZB TA ([רמב"ם] כ 264); HUJI (PJ 4556.2 B478); BAR (B45 בן-זאב.תל תקע"ח ‬)

Record created: 2020-02-14 | Record last changed: -
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