Itt 0031 026

Title תלמוד לשון עברי
Subtitle כולל יסודות לשון הקדש כלליה ופרטיה ודקדקיה..
Author Judah Leib Ben Zeʾev (1764-1811)
Co-Author Solomon ben Moses Chelm (1781 (d.))
Publisher Rom
Place of public. Wilna
Year 1866
Hebrew Year 626-7 תרכ"ז
Pages 365+48
Internet -
Locations - National Library of Israel (25 A 14290)
- British Library (01014456912)
- NYPL (PCD (Ben Zeʼev, J. Talmud leshon ʻIvri. 1866))
Language(s) of document Hebrew  ⁄  
Keywords Hebrew Language -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  
Notes additional author: Lebensohn, Abraham Dov [1789-1878]

Record created: 2020-03-06 | Record last changed: -
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