Itt 0098 002

Title Systematisches Lehrbuch der israelitischen Religion für die reifere Schuljugend in Religionsschulen und höheren Lehranstalten
Author Wolf Feilchenfeld (1827-1913)
Publisher Merzbach
Place of public. Posen
Year 1878
Edition 2. verm. Aufl.
Pages xvi, 156
Internet - Library of Israel&docId=NNL_ALEPH001282134
Locations - National Library of Israel (-)
- SBB (8" Ez 16173)
- Hebrew Union College - Cincinnati (-)
Language(s) of document German  ⁄  
Keywords Religious and Moral Education -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  Textbook  ⁄  

Record created: 2020-03-12 | Record last changed: -
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