Itt 0155 018

Title Das Judenthum
Subtitle ein Religionsbuch fuer hoehere Schulen und gebildete Familien
Author Emanuel Hecht (1821-1862)
Publisher R. Voigtländer
Place of public. Kreuznach
Year 1860
Edition 1
Pages xv, 366
Internet - Library of Israel&docId=NNL_ALEPH002535190
- judenthum&dstmp=1476864595375&fromTabHeaderButtonPopout=true
Locations - National Library of Israel (62 B 1912)
- British Library (
- CJH-LBI (BM 105 H38 J8)
- Hebrew Union College - Cincinnati (Adler)
- SBB (8" Ez 16138)
Language(s) of document German  ⁄  
Keywords Family  ⁄  Religious and Moral Education -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  

Record created: 2020-03-12 | Record last changed: -
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