Itt 0167 018

Title חורב
Subtitle מאת שמשון ב״ר רפאל הירש ; סודר מחדש על פי תרגום משה זלמן אהרנזון.
Author Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888)
Co-Author Mosheh Zalman ben Shemuʼel Hilel Ahrenzohn (1848-1906)
Publisher Ha-Makhon le-hafatsat sifrut datit be-Yiśraʾel; Avraham Tsiyoni
Place of public. Bene Berak; Tel Aviv
Year 1964
Edition 1
Pages 560
Internet - 1111 DEFAULT&search=KEYWORD&searchid=H5&function=CARDSCR&sourcescreen=COPVOLSCR&pos=4&totalitems=1&itempos=1&rootsearch=KEYWORD&histselect=5
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Locations - Hebrew Union College - Cincinnati (BM 560 H4.85 1964)
- JTS (JT1 BM560 .H485 1964)
- CLIO (BM560 .H485 1964)
- YULIS (BM560 .H485 1964)
- YUL (Mch10 837Hw)
Language(s) of document Hebrew  ⁄  
Keywords Religious and Moral Education -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  

Record created: 2020-03-12 | Record last changed: -
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