Itt 0173 005

Title Ha-emunah ve-ha-de'ah: Jüdische Glaubens- und Sittenlehre. Leitfaden beim Religionsunterricht der jüdischen Jugend
Subtitle zunächst für die religionsschule der jüdischen Reformgemeinde zu Berlin
Author Samuel Holdheim (1806-1860)
Publisher Julius Springer
Place of public. Berlin
Year 1857
Edition 1
Title (uniform) האמונה והדעה
Pages xii, 156
Internet -
- LibraryCONTENT)&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1477173445358&srt=rank&ct=search&mode=Basic&vl(488279563UI0)=any&dum=true&tb=t&indx=1&vl(freeText0)=holdheim emunah&vid=British LibraryVU1&fn=search
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- Library of Israel&docId=NNL_ALEPH002011346
Locations - National Library of Israel (70 B 179)
- HUB (Ew 16857:F8)
- British Library (001711317)
- JTS (BM105 .H72 1857)
- Hebrew Union College - Cincinnati (BM 105 H7.2)
- CJH-LBI (x MfW V50)
- SBB (Ez 16110)
Language(s) of document German  ⁄  
Keywords Berlin  ⁄  Religious and Moral Education -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  Textbook  ⁄  

Record created: 2020-03-12 | Record last changed: -
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