Itt 0224 012

Title Bibel- und Talmudschatz, die Propheten, ein Familienbuch ... besonders für Frauen und ... Jugend, Otsar ha- Tora ve ha Talmud
Author J. H. Kohn
Publisher Gyurian und Gebrüder Deutsch
Place of public. Pest
Year 1869
Edition 6'
Pages 313 - 626
Internet -
- talmudschatz&dstmp=1476795587582&fromTabHeaderButtonPopout=true
Locations - REX (ju-421)
- JMW (ma7360 2)
- JMW (ma1051 Ex.1)
- CJH-LBI (st 3690)
Language(s) of document German  ⁄  Hebrew  ⁄  
Keywords Religious and Moral Education -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  

Record created: 2020-03-15 | Record last changed: -
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