Itt 0251 008

Title Hebräische Sprachlehre
Subtitle Ein Elementarbuch zum öffentlichen und Privatunterricht
Author Meir Letteris (1800-1871)
Publisher Löwy; Adalbert dela Torre
Place of public. Pesht; Wien
Year 1853
Edition 1
Title (uniform) Leshon zahav לשון זהב
Pages 131
Internet -
Locations - National Library of Israel (26 V 702)
- UBF (L. Hebr. Gramm. 630)
- TAU (002043458)
- ONB (47019-B)
- UBW (I-269967 [AltbestandHebraica])
- BAR (B486 LET h)
Language(s) of document German  ⁄  Hebrew  ⁄  
Keywords Hebrew Language -- Study and Teaching  ⁄  

Record created: 2020-03-15 | Record last changed: -
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